No matter how many women are throwing themselves at him, his focus is just on you. But it seems pretty accurate thus far. Were together for 6 months now and I have always been happy. This is why they are such a catch, but it also means that youll want to be pretty sure about who youre with before you commit. He makes decisions based on feelings and gut instincts, and he is very in touch with his emotions. All rights reserved. I was mean to him. They relish the chance to give their all and go into a relationship to its fullest. A Gemini woman is rational, practical, and logical. They will always keep their word and they will somehow expect you to do the same. so me and her went out and had a good time and drank and i didnt want to try to get too close to fast or anything, basically wanted to show her i want the real thing or nothing. Even if im withsome one, if i still feel this intense about him, I will go with him..we will see. Now it all varies individually, so there must be great successful gemini girl scorp guy pairings also. Im not the typical Gemini, in the sense of socializing. Nothing happened, he was already with a cap female. ?as i was in relation 4r 6 years.with her but i wont be able to continue dat.. @Denise stop being so narrow minded, dont assume something to be true without giving it a chance,i bet even it ended up being true, you would probably be ignorant to admit that it could be accurate, and what are you doing here anyways? Regardless of signs. Fire signs can be stupid af, but still scorps like them, its bcoz they dnt care. The Scorpio man will always be cautious and make sure that youre someone he wants to have around for the long haul. There wud be love here for sure, but it wont be that love. Im sorry if my opinion hurt u. I didnt even say anything bad about Geminis, but is it really SMART for u to still feel offended for something thats *general* as fuck. I felt like a giddy school girl. Sun (and Moon) signs alone are just not enough information to say how any couple will do together. It is completely harmless and I find his jealousy to be quite comical. I am in somewhat of the same situation now. Trust me. Most of my closest friends are either Geminis, Scorpios or Sagittarius. Im a gemini woman and I have been with a scorpio for the past 11 months now and boy it has been a ride. He always made me cry but still love and wanted him .. Until when I witnessed that he cheated on me with a random girl from his Uni. I get them, theyre like those too smart young souls shown in movies., that young thing also brings with itself a selfish nature.. Their inevitable split is likely to be painful and acrimonious. Sometimes i found it fun and sometimes i used to get home feeling sad because i needed a soul-mate. The chemistry was so strong it was scary! Anyway, she was wilder & deep when she texted, but awkward in person. This Scorpio man and Gemini woman love compatibility is such that falling in love is easier for them rather than sustaining it, which may be the crux of the problem. I have very deep dark thoughts often. I believe its alk in your upbringing, beliefs, cultures, environments, and lifestyles. You gravely underestimate us. His prejudice brother is married to his cousin. After this it was all really nice, she opened up to me, we texted each other almost every night. After all, this man is clearly in it for the long haul and isnt going to be easily dissuaded from his goal. It is very important for both the Scorpio male-Gemini female to have trust on one another which will form the basis on which the relationship will thrive. Trust me. I can see him flirting and he thinks Im a fool who is gonna run to a flirt cause few idiots want him? He nearly drove me crazy and treated me so lightly. A Scorpio man attracts the Gemini woman from the first time she takes a glance of him. And flying can be anything from hobbies to funny time together at home! damn dream!!!! Finally got the courage to go up there and watch one night with a friend. My advice is to keep people out of your relationship at first because its gonna take a lot of your time and energy and having everyone in your ear can cloud things even more as you are trying to figure out if this is worth it for you. Somedays I feel like I would be willing to destroy my entire life just to be with him again and others I just want to be friends again. They will never believe or realize my eternal love for them, but I will believe and realize our eternal love for each other. I couldnt imagine myself with anyone else EVER. We now have 3 children, 3 dogs and we will be celebrating 15 years of marriage this March. awwww. The mood changes, little tempers, personality changes and inattentiveness of Gemini woman toward her Scorpio man are treated by him with patience and endurance. Anyway, geminis are way too distracted, she now didnt want to do the very thing for which she had joined that academy, was looking for a job as back up & I understand the situation of a mid 20s person whos still not self dependent, the family pressure, the feeling of not getting somewhere with career. I need a honest balanced relationship with No secrets (Id rather know the painful truth) .. What should I do, how should I act when I go to see him in a few days? goooood grief lol lol so its new, and he seems like such a keeper, this site and all this awesome a$$ comments just put some brownies in his pan ;0). no horoscope can tell you what is ment to be. Hi, I am just curious how things turned out for you and your Scorpio man. So whatever happens in relationships, Scorpio men will always come back at least most of them. I wish she would find the courage to apologize and put in a little effort. They are serious and dedicated, but they are also flexible and open-minded, a quality that makes them great readers and natural communicators. I do agree with that aspect of this sign because it makes sense since they love so deeply. People always have this perception of geminis where they feel we come off as egotistical and emotionless when its the exact opposite. He once told me that he never expected anything much,. P.S. When they do make those decisions, they know what needs to be done for their life or relationship to work out properly. Its most definitely a Spiritual Love and its hard for even us to understand. They want something real because when they find it, they will do whatever it takes to keep it real and grounded. BUT Still nothing, as he continues to stay silent. These two would not be worried about falling in love and will focus more on staying in love. They know that their partner is the most important thing to them, and they will do whatever it takes to keep them happy. Never felt so comfortable with a man in a long time. Begin by showing up in places you know he frequents and acts like it was coincidental. Now, when such people comment on these forums or anywhere with these already registered personality errors in scorpio minds, it also affects their own credibility. There are six major reasons why Gemini finds it difficult to commit. He understands the value of being with one person over and over againand isnt afraid to make that commitment. They enjoy the anticipation of a new relationship even though you might find that attitude hard to believe. Thanks! I am a Gemini woman and I am the exact same way. I am a Gemini woman and in love with a Scorpio male. Scorpio men are careful and methodical when it comes to finding the right person and make every effort they can to ensure theyre not taken advantage of as a result. So if youre looking for a guy like this, dont be afraid to go after what you want. The Scorpio man is warm hearted and caring in nature. Pinterest. I hope it does. They dated & even became a kind of couple for a while, but she ended it for no apparent reason. Dont mean to offend, but your comments are conveying exactly that. Oh and the Scorpio men are very affectionate and passionate. While that's true for most of their exes, there are three zodiac signs Scorpio will likely regret breaking up with. It isnt a personal attack on anyone for gods sake let me give yall a tip, sensible or evolved scorpios NOTICE such details where theyll automatically identify anyones weak spots in their personalities, be it gemini or other stupid scorpios or any other sign. Geminis need more time to relevate the situation and come up with a good solutian or understanding later. But if you still wanna do something similar, go find yourself a sagittarius woman. But I think a Gemini should accept that they need too adapt, both ways. I love him and I messed up and he knows that, all of this being mental communication, we talk just as friends, nothing more than that, but we both are aware of the actual feelings. He has issues. It was really odd somethinflg about him really caught my mind and fascination. She told me that she had to come back once to pick up her stuff. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) and fall in love. He doesnt judge me or want to change me. Im hoping we can have a fun aspiring serious relationship that only bring out the best in each other!!! From what Ive read on this thread im not too sure what to think. This is insanely accurate! Cancer . Well either be together again, or Ill continue trying from my deathbed. I was so upset that actually did like Scorpio-Man commented about with the character assassination starting with the girl he dated before me, mutual friends, and then the girl he was moving on with. I lost mine recently due to a sudden unexpected death and my world has crashed. Hmmm Im just hitting it up with a scorpio man. Its up to you to earn their trust and prove yourself. Itcan make for some interesting and steamy things. It signifies all the communication related aspects in the day to day life, like expressing ones ideas and opinions. The right person is out there waiting for them, whether they know it or not. On Sunday, we went to a park, talked for long there, she talked way more openly now, her gorgeous eyes so pure & innocent. Girls in general do not like to apologize, and gemeni girls are even worse at that. For 4 months, he would always call me but I would turn off my phone, he would txt me but I wudnt reply. Love love love and get on with your real path to destiny honey! This makes it difficult to convince her to become deeply involved with any one person. It has to be both parties really wanting it, understanding each other, and willing to accept and compromise. They want a serious relationship. There on, if you show more of such behaviour, then your stupidity bar increases in their minds. A reason why they keep coming back to the person they know they want. Scorpio is emotional but equally requires a mental connect, remember it rules the human psyche, the subconscious. And when they cant trust each other, they cant open up to one another completely in bed. Recently stated talking to a Scorpio which is a first for me and oh my he was intense in how he already wants to be my boyfriend and seem serious about it. I have been with Libra, Aries and Leo men all of whom are suppose to be my perfect matches yet they were some of the worst relationships of my life. As the core element that represents this group is fire, the people belonging to this group are spontaneous, carefree, fun-loving, warm and enterprising. Although a free spirited person i did not give up. And one thing Scorpios. The above post so so accurately written. Our marraige is very unique and we havehad to haveconstant communication. They may not have an easy time of it, but when they finally find a person whos right for them, theyre willing to do what it takes to make things grow. But they are so evil! According to astrology, the moment a Scorpio man falls in love, hes in for the long haul. man, you need to go back to school to get some gettin used to! Someone who can match them intellectually and emotionally. I believe its all in your upbringing, beliefs, cultures, environments, and lifestyles. Each situation with a Scorpio has brought so much pain but I am so happy Ive had the chance to love them. I read this to him and he was wowed at how spot on this was. I was just really intrigued by his steadyness. In the initial stages, he will find this woman really very charming and attractive which will enhance scorpio gemini relationship, but after some time, he may soon realise the importance of this humongous decision of being with her forever, and may start having second thoughts about it. , i met my scorpio on facebook, he asked me out. We tryed to break up many times but i am scared to let go of him so i always try to work it out. Good luck with your Scorpio. All my gemini sisters, I advice you to learn to be stable. Even if all the feelings were real, she wouldve FORGOTTEN it all next time you meet her. This secret text message will make a Scorpio man addicted to you. Ive known a scorpio guy, who was a classmate of mine since 3rd grade til 4th year highschool. They want the real thing. Did you like our article? You may not be able to generate easy solutions for one another but you can listen, offer solace and embody the unconditional love and support you each require, especially in the year 2023. Just a bunch of lies! She has to understand when he needs her close, to show him that she should be devoted and faithful to him and only him when all she wants to do is spread her wings and fly. When a Scorpio man meets a woman that he likes, there is no rushing into things. Someone to complete me fully; emotionally, intellectually and phyisically. Its challenging for sure and I know I drive him nuts because Im constantly changing my mind and I still cant figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life because lets be honest thats a long time to stay focused on one career! Theres a reason why this sign is most popular on all platforms. We both early 20s still trying to figure life out that I think I wasnt secure enough for him even though he kept saying he didnt want anything serious. But has had many obsatcles with following through. If she can reach these levels with him and fulfill his deepest desires she need not worry about infidelity within him. Typical scorpio. This is one of the main reasons hes a Scorpio. And it was natural for them and I honestly believe it actually scared them. Plus he is like my bestfriend. May be your friend is struck between her crush and love kind of dilemma. Wow I can tellyou the first 4 to 5 years of our marriage was quite a ride. Im scorpio to the bone and she has my heart and soul.and my loyalty.. When I see her now, she radiates remorse and sadness and suppresses intense emotions that bleed out in every body language possible. Im a Gemini girl true to the heart and recently developed a relationship with a Scorpio. She has a hard time opening up her heart and she doesnt experience emotions in the same way that her Scorpio man does. We argued all the time behind his jealousy. ), I went away and he stopped flirting. None of that ever occurred. Just sitting across from him at the restaurant i felt some type of way. Geminis are sensitive people and they are caring. Something happened between the two of you that you are not talking about and Im sure it is a much longer story with many complications. @Scorpio-Man your comments are from 2011 but they sound very similar to my past with my ex Scorpio I love my Scorpio man deeply and I hope that i can succeed in making him see that . A Scorpio guy might hide his emotional nature from others to protect himself, but he is quite vulnerable, no matter how hard he tries to appear otherwise. Though, they may not be very expressive, the Earth Signs can be really warm beings from within, but it may take long. As an aquarius, even I think of all the different possiblities, of how love cud be very much by chance, so why not explore & find the best one. Their two sides kind, warm, carrying, care free, smart, passionate conflicts with their psycho, temper tantrum trowing, bullheaded, deceitful, dark side. Required fields are marked *. I felt heartbroken. Being a Gemini woman and accepting the flighty essence a Gemini woman has, I have met a Scorpio and am in love. He is my true soulmate. First I met him I was the good looking one but I really liked his personality .I really liked talking him , flirting ,kissing and loving. Six months is just a short period of time but it seemed to us like we have been in this relationship for a long tym. Scorpios are not afraid to make a decision. She thinks with her head instead of her heart, and she struggles to recognize and process her feelings, especially negative emotions like grief and anger. Fighting with depression. i badly want us to work, but the harder we try the harder it gets. We are loyal, understanding and compassionate to the right people. Thats what I would do on her place. We have a mutual passionate connection, that until now, I never really had the chance to experience. So, you will feel his protective nature when he is around you. I know he still loves me and will always love me because I knew him on a level no one else did. I just enjoy her time and company, but Im learning to understand that she has to be independent sometimes. The case isnt that different with other gemini friends I have, its like they are on this hunt to find some happiness, but deny it when its right in front of them. Evolved scorpios already know that the person(s) in the above example isnt self aware, the question then is HOW MUCH is s/he not self aware. She came back to me the next day. She will really admire the strength and the will power that he holds which makes him a successful person. He was in love with her, and now he needs comforting. A scorpio and me are very close. What happened?? Karma is more evil &powerful than your sting.dont let it sting you. Scorpios prefer to start as friends before going on to anything else. Wouldnt it be nice to know what you want? She might be shy and afraid to confess her feelings towards you. I have been with my Scorpio man going on 6 years and we have been married going on 3 years in October. Before i met my scorpio guy i used to date so many guys, even at the same time. We know more about you than you probably do. As a woman, we all dream of having this kind of partner. If u dont get butterflies when he calls, run! If she shares stuffs with you it means you mean a lot to her than you can imagine. Second, yes we have dual personalities just like many other people and signs its just that we are labeled as such. I was the serious, decisive and secure one on the relationship. I wont go into a full apology until I KNOW he is willing to listen. She is a skilled speaker and writer, and she also uses technology and various social media platforms to make connections. We still see each other everyday talk non stop, and she is again talking about leaving her husband. Thats been my experience so far. So dont expect anything too soon unless youre completely willing to commit and be in a relationship with this person. I will forever regret spreading all malicious gossip, even tho much of it was truth, but that I should have just kept to myself even with a broken heart He has yet to ever speak to me to this day I have tried to contact him numerous times casually to break the ice so we can talk about things and try to mend things, but he still refuses to acknowledge anything I say at all. the icing on the cake is, my first bf, an aquarius, gave me a hard time (to hell with that womanizer)! Hi Im curious about scorpio evolved in 7 staged,how could it be? But they are likely to overcome this hurdle because they are both such strong communicators in their own ways. A match of Scorpio man and Gemini woman will be successful if they learn to appreciate all differences of each other. I am a true Gemini, exact. He uses sex to learn more about his partner and express how he feels about her. The thing about them is that they dont let pride get in the way of doing what needs to be done. I didnt talk to her that day, felt bad when she was looking at me to talk but I avoided it. Pewdiepie is a good example of a developed Serpent transitioning into Wolf stage at the right age(mid20s to early30s). 2)Scorpion I have my eyes on one, hence why I am on here trying to read about our possibilities . What happened between you two? So youre dating a Scorpio man. Because our road was so bumpy in the begining, we didnt have children the first 6 years of our marraige. Start to love deep when you are married. @Phillygem526 I meant to you *why dont scorpio men, @Scorpio-Man.I see your post was from March 2011did you ever apologize??? He takes his time and gets to know you to make sure that you are the right person for him. Highly imaginative and creative, these people like variety and keep exploring various options. The other movie being an action romantic, where the female is equally competitive & both of them need each other. I would say that with sag female, there would be more clarity & honesty than gemini female. And the most important is that as a Gemini you need tot secure your scorpio that with all your wandering and freedom you will stay by his side and are not going to leave him. Dated a libra, an Aries, a cancer after that, but no one AS A PARTNER was even close to that scorpio AS A FRIEND, I wonder how would it have been if he was my boyfriend. They both share enthusiastic affection and long lasting devotion mixed with memorable parts of classic fairy tales. While it is undeniable that we are mutable and change frequently, it is so incredibly far from reality to assume we are unemotional or not deeply emotional and Id even go as far as saying that we have the deepest emotions of all the signs put together. She is truly my Muse! Though she is a very clever and intellectual human being but her mind never settles, and her thoughts are always in a fantasy land. She likes you, but seems to be too distracted or mutable. We talked or texted every day since and its like were doing a mating dance or something. Her playful side always comes out in her sexual relationship. I am currently in a situationship with my male best friend who happens to be a Scorpio. like 12a and had a few drinks and some food, and never n all my 31 years of living have i wanted to jump across the table and wear the furr off a man!!!!!! First its been a year since your comment, I hope things might be good for you. Relationships are not just about romance and good times -- a lesson you both need to imbibe in 2023. Geminis love playing games, so they can usually keep up with any Scorpio. His awe of her starts to be replaced with jealousy which causes her to rethink such a relationship also. He can tell you how to be more steady in your opinions and that already helps a lot. Hes not going to fall into things quickly just because they feel good. Scorpio men are not the types to break their word. I was finally just a little bit certain that she had put down her guard. Feels like youve never felt the type of connection with anyone. Ive defused situations with my words of loyalty to him and we can only say such things to someone if we mean them. They would both be better off avoiding a relationship with one another and keeping their connection strictly platonic. We need to be entertained or interested constantly and when we find the right one we will do whatever it takes to make it work because although free spirited we are also adaptable. The sting of the Scorpio is refreshing. Let me ask you, as a Scorpio knows best, would someone responding in an extremely calm manner to your angry rants piss you off? 6)Eagle And a Gemini woman is very indecisive, so she will waver back and forth on her commitment to a Scorpio man. I really love my cousins & want them to be happy. She bends the truth when it suits her, and she is likely to believe her own lies. From what I understood, you gave an objective analysis of her personality HERE, for others to understand.. Obviously people, he wasnt critical of her in person are yall that stupid.!? This is also exactly why we tend to fall so deeply in love with Scorpio men, because they give us a safe and stable place to rest and anchor ourselves in peace. It is definitely and absolutely a love that you read about and watch in operas. Our first date he gave me the most mysterious sensual glare in my eyes and that moment i knew i had to have him. but yeah now she hasnt talked to me or anything but she puts in her status like been thinkin bout you and hard to wait for someone when things may never happen, but its everything youve ever wanted but now she hasnt talked to me or anything probably cuz she needs her freedom but im still getting into the trust part , and i havnt really tried to have sex yet cuz i want it to be real i just want to know how long does it take for a scorp to trust a gem usually and how long do geminis need freedom and what you guys think of my position? Im deeply in love with a Scorpio man. We are very deep creatures indeed and I am really impressed at your understanding of this. Spider>scorpion>lizard>snake>Wolf>Eagle>Phoenix. She needs to work hard in staying calm and level headed when her Scorpio man shows his stubborn streak or becomes violently emotional over her light and delicate attitude toward things that mean so much to him on such a deeper level. haha, anne frank and peter van pels were gem girl and scorp man. "Scorpios can be, shall we say, obsessive, especially when it comes to affairs . While in the beginning they will be fascinated by the different . A Gemini woman is many personalities bottled in a single woman. She is full of feminine wile and guile teaches him to be more free spirited while he teaches her to take things more seriously in life. Honestly, Scorpios dont deserve such a relationship, you know that intuition which is always there from the first time u met her, but we ignore it, isnt it.. The water element in the Scorpio man makes him flowing and wavering in his essence, which gives him an adaptable persona. 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will scorpio man always come back to a gemini woman