WebThe Walter J. Gores Award is Stanford's highest award for excellence in teaching. 2020 - Antonio Rodriguez Stanford Undergrad is your guide to undergraduate academics and opportunities found within the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. Stanford, CA 94305 2002 - Colin Bischoff Students academic records are automatically reviewed, so no special action is required for students who wish to be considered for membership. How Do I Request a Statement of Completion? Jeff is a profoundly influential figure, not only at Stanford but to the field of computer science as a whole not to mention hes an all-around unassuming and kind individual. Stanford offers comprehensive, need-based financial aid that makes it possible for all admitted undergraduate students to attend and we do not expect students to borrow to meet their need. I can die happy, Ullman says, with characteristic humor and understatement, of winning the preeminent award in his field. 2011 - Ronnachi Jaroensri, Byungwoo Kang Protect your company name, brands and ideas as domains at one of the largest domain providers in Scandinavia. (Image credit: Courtesy School of Engineering), AI offers paradigm shift in study of brain injury. "Exploring Medical Student Perspectives on Mental Health Self-Disclosure." 2016 - Qingyang Xu, Albert Wandui RYAN KAZUO AKIYAMA RESSMEYERElectrical Engineering, RYAN JAMES CROWLEYEngineering,Biomedical Computation, RAHUL KARTIKEYA LALLElectrical Engineering, THOMAS CONSTANTINE MAHERASComputer Science, RICHARD JOHN FAULDINGAuckland, New Zealand, ALEJO NAVARRO GOLDARAZMechanical Engineering, CHRISTOPHER SKALNIKEngineering, Biomedical Computation, SARAH EMMA VICOLManagement Science and Engineering, 475 Via Ortega The Golden Medal for Excellence in Humanities and Creative Arts similarly distinguishes theses in the humanities or creative projects in the fine arts. 2007 - Elizabeth Schemm, Jaehee Kim, Philip Van Stockum, Julie Bert Their work together includes the aforementioned textbooks, but also numerous papers and new programming techniques used in algorithms, programming languages, compilers and software systems. Meanwhile, Aho continued in the corporate setting for three decades before joining the faculty at Columbia. 2022 - Sanha Cheong, Anthony Flores, Nicholas ODea, Yunchong Wang Sweet Hall 2019 - Sungyeon Yang, Josephine Meyer The Stanford Physics Department awards excellence among our graduate teaching assistants with the Paul H. Kirkpatrick award. Have clear evidence of intent to pursue an academic career, (prior research experience is a plus). Office 365. Requests may not exceed $5,000; some awards will be less than requested. Stanford senior Edward Tran has been named a 2023-24 Luce Sweet Hall Typically honors requires in-depth research, field work or laboratory work culminating in a substantial written thesis. National Awards University Awards National Awards Our innovations and entrepreneurship have helped create Silicon Valley and educated many leaders in industry and academia worldwide. 2000 - Andrei Bernevig, Klara Elteto. 2002 - Stirling Churchman, Jamie McGuire "Pockets of Becoming: The Photography of Mary Tape, Lai Yong, and Frank Jue." In recognition of his support and advocacy on behalf of Ukraine, former U.S. "The Impact of Hispanic Ethnicity on Vote Choice." On writing, he gave me some great advice: never take more than a year to write a book. If you have questions about applying to the university as an undergraduate or transfer student, or to learn about scholarship and financial aid opportunities, please contactUndergraduate Admissions. The luncheon offers an opportunity for families and thesis advisors to meet and mingle as their student is honored. STANFORD ADVISOR. RYAN KAZUO AKIYAMA RESSMEYER. Stanford computer scientist Jeffrey Ullman is co-recipient of the 2020 Turing Award. What is SoCo? WebOutstanding Resident in Gynecologic Oncology Award, SGO (2019) Summer Research Program Award, University of Virginia School of Medicine (2014) David S. Bruce This Award was established to recognize those graduate students who have demonstrated a talent for andcommitment to the teaching of physics to undergraduates, therebyexemplifying the dual commitment to teaching and researchcharacteristic of Paul Kirkpatrick's own scientific life. 475 Via Ortega WebStanford University Names World's Top 2% Scientists, 2021 Stanford University has recently released an update of the list that represents the top 2 per cent of the most-cited scientists in various disciplines. Candidate in Electrical Engineering, Kelley M, Skeff, Housestaff Program Director, Department of Medicine, Ami Elizabeth Radunskaya, Ph.D. Stanford, CA 94305 For more information, visit this nomination webpage. United States, About VPUEMeet the Vice ProvostDiversity, Equity and Inclusion. "Maps of Stein Manifolds without k-multiple points, k 4." Lee, Stanford, CA 94305-3082 Timothy McQuade, 2019Amit Seru, 2018Charles M.C. 2010present 20002010 19902000 Design Education Initiative Award Core77 Design Awards. Acting in As Soon As Impossible. Mentored by Samer Al-Saber, Sequoiah Hippolyte, African and African American Studies. These domains are humanities; science, engineering, and math; and social sciences. 2019 - Chelsea Liekus-Schmaltz, John Dodaro, Varun Harbola Candidate in Mathematics, Adam Louis Horowitz, Ph.D. The award provides young American scholars with immersive professional experiences in Asia. Electrical Engineering. Michael Harrison, 2011, David Larcker, 2010Baba Shiv, 2009William Barnett, 2008Keith Krehbiel, 2007Mary Barth, 2006Andrzej Skrzypacz, 2005William Beaver, 2004Darrell Duffie, 2003 The Turing Award recognizes profound impact on the field of computer science and includes a $1 million prize, which Ullman will share with his long-time collaborator Alfred Aho of Columbia University. National Awards University Awards National Awards Network Information for IT Providers. At some point, kids were proud to be seen walking around campus with that cover under their arm. According to the ACM, Aho and Ullman shaped the foundations of programming language theory and implementation, as well as algorithm design and analysis., The two titles mentioned by ACM are only the best known of his books with Aho. The Association of Computer Machinery (ACM) has announced that Jeffrey Ullman, Stanford W. Ascherman Professor of Computer Science, Emeritus, at Stanford University, has been named co-recipient of the 2020 A.M. Turing Award, deemed by many to be the equivalent of the Nobel Prize of computing. This project is the full version of the SOAR RCN Incubator project, which has been running for about a year. WebThe Stanford BioSciences Grant Writing Academy provides workshops, seminars, and online resources for proposals for fellowships and career development awards. 2016 - Andrey Sushko Mentored by Liqun Luo, Neha Srivathsa, Computer Science. 2004 - Evan Kirby WebFaculty Awards 2022-2023. WebProfessor Doniach's research group uses scattering of synchotron X-rays from electron storage rings at SLAC and at the Argonne National Laboratory to study changes in the conformation of molecules as their solvent environments are changed. The Firestone and Golden Medalsare awarded to the top 10 percent of honors theses completed in a given year. Elizabeth Blankespoor, 2016Jonathan Levav, 2015Keith Hennessey, 2014Anne Beyer, 2013 2021 - Danial Shadmany Stanford chemist Carolyn Bertozzi was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for her development of bioorthogonal reactions, which allow scientists to explore cells and track biological processes without disrupting the normal chemistry of the cell. 2012 - Andrea Klein. October 5, 2022 Carolyn Bertozzis day in photographs Mentored by Scott Sagan and Joseph Felter, Stewart Kim, Biology. How do I enroll through Enroll (Alternate)? 2006 - Erez Berg, Eran Mukamel WebLanguage sovereignty is a fundamental human rights issue for Indigenous migrant communities. Mentored by Scott Rozelle and Gary Darmstadt, Julien Minoru Wright-Ueda, Biology. Mentored by Grant Miller, Coen Rhys Richard Armstrong, Mathematics. Have a commitment to apply during the 2023 academic year for outside support from the NIH, foundations, or other sources. 2010 - Ahmed Ismail, Nathaniel Craig, Paul Simeon, Josh Cogan WebPersonal Information. To receive Stanford news daily, Advanced Degrees. They offer students the opportunity to do advanced research and analysis with faculty guidance. 2013 - George Coss, Ken Van Tilburg Golden, Firestone, and Kennedy Thesis Award Recipients, 2021-2022, Undergraduate Honors Society Recipients, 2021-2022, Program in Writing and Rhetoric Boothe Prizes, Civic, Liberal, and Global Education Booth Prizes, Archive of Thinking Matters Boothe Prizes, The Lunsford Award for Oral Presentation of Research, The Hoefer Prizes for Writing in the Major, Doree Allen, Ph.D., Oral Communication Program Director, Civic, Liberal, and Global Education (COLLEGE). Larissa Tiedens, 2002Robert Wilson, 2001Edward Lazear, 2000David Baron, 1999, Scott Brady, 2022David Dodson, 2021Saumitra Jha, 2020David Kreps , 2019Anne Beyer, 2018Mary Barth, 2017 Ordinarily, awards are made each year to: Any member of the Stanford community may submit a nomination for this award. Our faculty and students continue to advance the state-of-the-art, define new directions for electrical engineering and develop new technologies. WebRanked in the top 8 Otolaryngology (OHNS) programs in the country by US News and in the top 5 in NIH grant awards, we provide compassionate and informed care for all of your ENT needs. The medalists each receive an engraved bronze medal and a monetary award. map, Community Engaged Learning / Cardinal Courses, Stanford Online Academic Readiness (SOAR) - Writing, Arts Majors, Minors, Honors, Coterm, and Classes, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program, Where to Study the Humanities at Stanford, More Opportunities for Humanities Students, Golden, Firestone, and Kennedy Thesis Awards, Undergraduate Departmental Award Recipients, 2021-2022, Undergraduate National and University Award Recipients, 2021-2022, Undergraduate Honors Society Recipients 2021-2022, Study of Undergraduate Education at Stanford. 2019 - Zhengyan Shi, Sandip Roy Mentored by Jonathan Calm, Cybele Athena Zhang, English. Recipients of this award have accomplished exceptionally advanced research in the field and have shown strong potential for publication in peer-reviewed scholarly works. Paul Kirkpatrick's strength of character,integrity and compassion were much admired by colleagues, familyand friends. Through research, mentorship and an array of majors and classes, youll have the opportunity to tackle the most pressing issues of the 21st century. He had been a faculty member at Stanford since 1995. 2004 - Robert McConnell WebStanford University awards advanced placement credit for certain International Baccalaureate and international advanced placement subject examinations. "Minimally Invasive Optogenetics Across Physiological Systems." WebThe Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel Awards recognize distinctive and exceptional contributions to undergraduate education or the quality of student life at Stanford. STANFORD ADVISOR. "The Hill Beyond Community: A Political Ethnography of Spectacular Intimacy in Queer D.C." Mentored by Sylvia Yanagisako and Margaret Levi, Past recipients: Golden, Firestone, and Kennedy Thesis Awards. V. Sunseri, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Kung-Yi Kao, Assistant Professor of Chinese, Lynell G. Burmark, Graduate Student in French, Jerry A. Irish, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies, James F. Dice, Jr., Gradute Student & Teaching Assistant in Human Biology, Louis Padulo, Visiting Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering. Candidate in Linguistics, Kian Katanforoosh, M.S. Jennifer Eberhardt, Margaret Levi, and John R. Rickford are among the 85 fellows newly elected to the British Academy, the U.K.s national academy for the humanities and social sciences. Award funding provides salary and fringe benefits support to individuals who are highly motivated to pursue a career in cancer research, and to facilitate their transition to faculty positions. The Award for Excellence in Honors Thesis Presentation is granted by departments and programs to students whose honors presentation exemplifies the highest standards. Jeff was a renowned observational cosmologist who was carrying out groundbreaking work in measuring the large-scale structure of the universe. ACM is recognizing the pair for their seminal work in compilers and algorithms and their lasting influence on the field through the nine textbooks they co-authored together, some dating to the early 1970s. Jeff was a caring and conscientious classroom teacher and the leader of a vibrant group of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. 2010 - Temple He, Yu Xian Lim The 2023 competition deadline for all nominations and supporting documents will be Tuesday, May 29, 2023. Mentored by Alex Woloch, Vrinda Madabushi Suresh and Jenna Wang, Arts Institute. 2007 - Ed Schlafly Mentored by Christophe Crombez and Stephen Stedman, Sofia Schlozman, Human Biology. WebCongratulations to Dr. Sam Most on the publication of the textbook Global Rhinoplasty: A Multicultural Approach!! WebStanford was the first university to be recognized at the highest level when the program launched in 2011, making Stanford the only university to receive three Platinum designations in a row. Jeffrey Moore, 1998James VanHorne, 1997 "Identification of a Myogenic and Highly Transplantable Tert Expressing Non-Satellite Stem Cell Population." Stanford Professor Carolyn Bertozzi was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for her development of bioorthogonal reactions, which allow scientists to explore cells and track biological processes without disrupting the normal chemistry of the cell. Mentored by Karen Casciotti, Saketh Prazad, Economics. Paul H. Kirkpatrick was a distinguished member of the StanfordPhysics Department for 28 years before retiring in 1960. Ullman and Aho each earned doctorates at Princeton University and then joined the storied Bell Labs in 1966. Mentored by Liqun Luo, Zixian Ma, Computer Science. WebStanford Professor Carolyn Bertozzi was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for her development of bioorthogonal reactions, which allow scientists to explore cells and track Brody Sandel with the Biology Department has received a $84,303 subaward from Stanford University to support his project "San Francisco Bay Research Coordination Network for Student Opportunities in Avian Research (SOAR) to enhance STEM education and assess urban impacts on avian biodiversity". Ullman shares the prize with long-time collaborator Alfred Aho of Columbia University. 2021 - Nazli Koyluoglu, Jinhui Wang The Frederick Emmons Terman Engineering Scholastic Award is presented to the top students of each years undergraduate senior engineering class. Tau Beta Pi. 2013 - Andre Menck, Saranapob Thavapatikom The student awards included below are administered or supported by offices of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education. RYAN KAZUO AKIYAMA RESSMEYER. The awards recognize undergraduate and graduate teaching excellence, and celebrates What Financial Resources are Available to Me at Stanford? The Stanford psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and engineer is honored for developing a technology that lets researchers pinpoint the functions and malfunctions of specific brain circuits. Glenn Kramon, 2020. Heres a peek at how the morning unfolded for Stanford chemist Carolyn Bertozzi after she learned she had won the Nobel Prize in chemistry. WebTerman Awards 2020-2021. To be considered, a student must take three courses of 3 units or more at Stanford with a grade of B- or better in three domains of knowledge. How Do I Request an Electronic Transcript to be Sent to The Law School Admissions Council (LSAC)? Phi Beta Kappais a nationwide society honoring students for the excellence and breadth of their undergraduate scholarly achievements. Stanford, CA 94305, Phone: 650-723-4344khoi [at] stanford.eduCampus Map, Award for Excellence in Honors Thesis Presentation. Jeffrey Moore, 2007Peter DeMarzo, 2006Ronald Kasznik, 2005Peter DeMarzo, 2004Ronald Kasznik, 2003John Roberts, 2002Ronald Kasznik, 2001Keith Krehbiel, 2000William Beaver, 1999 Mentored by Nilam Ram, Adrian Scheibler, Center on Democracy, Development and Rule of Law (CDDRL). If you do, the reason you are writing it will have passed. WebResearch grants of over $500,000 have been awarded to over 100 doctoral students in over 25 degree programs across Stanford's seven schools. "Aswim in a Sea of Poppies: Opium Challenges the English Empire, 1827-1910." 2010 - Aaron Meisner "Decolonizing Desire: Pleasure as a Framework for Constructing a Black-Womanist Cinematic Gaze." United States, About VPUEMeet the Vice ProvostDiversity, Equity and Inclusion. How Do I Request an Official Transcript as an Alum? Mentored by Sean Wu, Julie Baker, and Francisco Galdos, Social Sciences: Maria Clara Rodrigues da Silva, Economics. "Challenging the State: Western European Regionalism in the Era of Financial Crisis." 2013 - Bo Dwyer "Modified Digital Forum TheaterA Novel Approach for Improving Communication and Reducing Acculturative Family Distancing in Immigrant Families." How To Request Transcripts as a Third Party. WebElectrical Engineering. The award provides young American scholars with immersive professional experiences in Asia. It may also require an oral presentation of the research. 2005 - David Starr, Wells Wulsin, Mustafa Amin Rick Berthold, 1986William Beaver, 1985James VanHorne, 1982, Darrell Duffie, 2022Anne Beyer, 2021Arvind Krishnamurthy, 2020Jesper Sorensen, 2019Peter Reiss, 2018Adina Sterling, 2017 If you have questions about the Golden, Firestone, and Kennedy Awards or the Medals Luncheon that are not answered here, please emailvpue-medals@stanford.edu. Paul Romer, 1999James Patell, 1998James VanHorne, 1997Mary Barth, 1996Edward Lazear, 1994Garth Saloner, 1993David Kreps, 1991 WebThe Stanford Alumni Association recognizes extraordinary undergraduates with the J.E. Amit Seru, 2018. He diedin December 1992 at the age of 98. 2001 - Klara Elteto. "Long-term avian responses to drought and urbanization in Northern California." Their work has enabled the modern computer software that powers our world, and it has profoundly influenced generations of computer programmers.. October 5, 2022 Carolyn Bertozzis day in photographs Please note, Stanford policy requires all Mentored by Esther Yu, Matthew Haide Zheng, Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Stanford University Physics Society (SUPS), Experimental and Observational Astrophysics and Cosmology, Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics, Report a Facilities or Safety Concern in Varian, SOP for the use of the student machine shop, Physics Stockroom Self-Service Purchase Form, General Guidance: Contacts with Law Enforcement. Our full-featured web hosting packages include everything you need to get started with your website, email, blog and online store. Madhav Rajan, 2017Edward Lazear, 2016Keith Krehbiel, 2014Mary Barth, 2013Paul Pfleiderer, 2012Margaret Neale, 2011David Kreps, 2010J. Mark Wolfson, 1990George Foster, 1989H. Academics "Allegations: The Proto-Public Sphere and the Figure of the Female Accused (1550-1640)." 2008 - Jessica Lee, Douglas Stanford PRE-COLLEGE TEACHER. WebThe Boothe Prize recognizes and rewards outstanding expository and argumentative writing by first-year students in the Writing and Rhetoric and Thinking Matters Programs. 2017 - Nora Brackbill, Anna Ogorzalek The research also involves computer simulations of the dynamics and energetic of the resulting changes. This years award extends Stanfords first two Platinum designations (20112015 and 2015-2019) for another four years (2019-2023). Brody Sandel with the Biology Department has received a $84,303 subaward from Stanford University to support his project "San Francisco Bay Research Carole Robin, 2011 Electrical Engineering. Mentored by Karl Deisseroth and Liqun Luo 2001 - Etan Ilfeld, Brian Vancil "Weaving Classical Poetry in Modern England: The Latin and Greek Verse of Thomas Gray." 2018 - Katherine Coppess, Ilya Esterlis, Kathryn Ledbetter, Christopher Overstreet, Eli Fox In addition to being the top Physics major, Levine was also an outstanding History major; therefore the award is based on both academic breadth and abilities in physics. Mentored by Jon A. Krosnick, Emmett Hough, Physics. Jeffs influence was that broad, said John Mitchell, former vice provost at Stanford and current chair of computer science. Outside awards benefit undergraduate students by reducing and even eliminating your need to work to help meet your student budget. Your outside awards will replace your Student Responsibility dollar-for-dollar. An official announcement with detailed nomination instructions will be sent in early March, and nominations are due to VPUE in late May. Eve Darian-Smith. Use LoopiaWHOIS to view the domain holder's public information. We are grateful to the original donors for establishing this endowed fund that will allow us to continue to award excellence in teaching. 2019 - Chi-Fang Chen (un)grounded. What is a Diploma Hold and How Do I Get it Released? "Battlegrounds to Bipartisanship: The Effect of Military Experience on Bipartisanship in the U.S. All students who submit their final honors thesis between Summer 2022 and Spring 2023 are eligible to be nominated for the 2023 competition by their department or honors program, regardless of their official date of graduation. Stanford University. Jeff Ullman helped bring me to Stanford, and I worked closely with him from my very first days here, said Jennifer Widom, dean of the Stanford University School of Engineering. Candidate in Computer Science, Mike Tomz, Professor of Political Science and Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy ResearchDan Reineman, Lecturer in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences, Lelia Glass, Ph.D. If you have questions about financial aid, you can call us at 650-723-3058 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Pacific time) Monday through Friday, except Tuesdays when we open at 10 a.m. WebUniversity Research awards should be managed in accordance with the specific award's terms and conditions, and Stanford policy. 2020 - William Derocco, Tina Narong, Dylan Rueter Mentored by Jessi Piggott and Amy Elkins, Paige Warmington, Art Practice. 2015 - Idel Waisberg "A Sentence of One's Own: An Algorithmic Approach to Punctuation in the Novels of Virginia Woolf." The Levine Award is presented annually to the member of the junior class who is judged to be the most outstanding physics student on the basis of academic breadth in addition to demonstrated abilities in experimental physics. 2011 - Yu Xian Lim Engineering and Applied Sciences:Soo Hyun (Francesca) Kim, Biomedical Computation. The contribution may TheBoothe Prizerecognizes outstanding examples of expository and argumentative writing from first-year students. How To Use Course Swap with Enroll (Alternate), How To Adjust Units on Variable Unit Courses in Axess with Enroll (Alternate), How To Change Grading Basis for Courses with Enroll (Alternate), FAQs: Retirement Savings for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars. PRE-COLLEGE TEACHER. The results are a cautionary tale. This includes $57,495 average scholarship from Stanford as well as grant funds received from WebWinners: Chaelyn Rigmaiden-Anderson, Maya Xu Finalists: Langston Buddenhagen, Kyle Haslett, Sydney Kaminski, Lee Rosenthal Lunsford Winners for Spring 2022 Winners: Max Jardetzky, Kaelyn Ong Finalists: Brett Chy, Lorenzo Del Rosario, Sherwin Lai, Tejas Narayanan Max Jardetzky - Trop clean pour toi English Language Borrowing in map, Community Engaged Learning / Cardinal Courses, Stanford Online Academic Readiness (SOAR) - Writing, Arts Majors, Minors, Honors, Coterm, and Classes, Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program, Where to Study the Humanities at Stanford, More Opportunities for Humanities Students, Golden, Firestone, and Kennedy Thesis Awards, Undergraduate Departmental Award Recipients, 2021-2022, Undergraduate National and University Award Recipients, 2021-2022, Undergraduate Honors Society Recipients 2021-2022, Study of Undergraduate Education at Stanford. Stanford University. Stanford, CA 94305-3082 The department is proud to count Jeff Ullman as a colleague., Jeffrey Ullman, along with his collaborator Alfred Aho, has made pathbreaking contributions to our understanding of fundamental algorithms and programming language design and implementation, said Marc Tessier-Lavigne, president of Stanford. Elizabeth Blankespoor, 2015 ACM cited two of their textbooks by name The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms from 1974 and Principles of Compiler Design (also known in computer science circles as the Dragon Book after its distinct cover illustration of a knight fighting a dragon) published in 1977. The award, which supports mid-career chemists and physicists, will provide Karunadasa with $2 million for foundational research. This domain has been purchased and parked by a customer of Loopia. The Firestone Medal for Excellence in Undergraduate Research recognizes theses written in the social sciences, natural sciences and engineering. Stanford has announced the 2021 - Yu-Tse Lee, Christian Nunez Stanford, California 94305. Mentored by Matthew Gentzkow and John B. Taylor, Maia Louise Rocklin, Psychology. Ed deHaan, 2016 Deadlines and eligibility will vary by department. How Do I Calculate My Grade Point Average (GPA)? Although well known for his 40 years of x-ray research, for the invention of the x-ray microscope, and for his pioneering work in scientific holography (long before the invention of the laser), he is at least as famous for his spirited championship of the importance of furthering excellence in the teaching of physics. Your full name and Stanford ID number should be included in the memo section of the check. If your scholarship check has been sent to the Financial Aid Office, but is made co-payable to you and Stanford, we will mail the check to you to endorse and mail back to the Financial Aid Office. Mentored by Aileen Robinson, Jeevanjot Singh Kapur, Theater & Performance Studies (TAPS). Timothy McQuade, 2019. Michael SpenceRobert Wilson, Paul Milgrom, 2020 Certifications and Verifications Resources, IBO International Baccalaureate Higher Level Chart, Coterm Degree Conferral and Residency Requirement, Format Requirements for Your Dissertation or Thesis, Checklist: Submitting My Dissertation or Thesis, Joint Degree Programs and Tuition Schedules, Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR) Status, University of California Exchange Program, University-Required Non-Course Milestones by Degree, Graduate School of Business Grading System, Time Away from Stanford: Leave, Withdraw, Return, 2021-2022 Graduate and Professional Tuition Rates, 2022-2023 Graduate and Professional Tuition Rates, Understand Your Student Bill & Payment System, Resources for Graduating Students and Recent Alumni, Undergraduate Degrees & Programs: Minimum Progress, Coterminal Masters Degree: Application & Admission, Coterminal Masters Degree: Enrollment & Degree Progress, Graduate Degrees: Special Registration Statuses, Undergraduate Degrees & Programs: Special Registration Status, Undergraduate Degrees & Programs: Degree Conferral, Americans with Disabilities Grievance Procedure, Coterminal Masters Degree: Leaves & Reinstatement, Graduate Degrees: Leaves & Reinstatements, Undergraduate Degrees & Programs: Leaves & Reinstatements, Use of Main Quad, Memorial Court, Oval & White Plaza, Political, Campaign & Lobbying Activities, Sexual Harassment & Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships, Undergraduate Degrees & Programs: Advanced Placement, Undergraduate Degrees & Programs Overview, Undergraduate Degrees & Programs - Bachelor's, Undergraduate Degrees & Programs: The Major, Undergraduate Degrees & Programs: Joint Major, Undergraduate Degrees & Programs: General Education Requirements, Undergraduate Major Unit Requirements - WIM Courses, Veterans & Military Benefits: Certification, Veterans & Military Benefits: Financial Aid, Veterans & Military Benefits: VA Benefits Act of 2018. 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