/S /NonStruct 114 0 obj Fenway Golf Club will co-host two stroke-play . /ID (node00256065) 326 0 obj /BleedBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] /K [635 0 R 636 0 R] /K [845 0 R] >> /Type /StructElem 156 0 obj >> endobj 299 0 obj Initiation and yearly dues were each $100 ($2,900 in 2021[2]). /S /NonStruct /ID (node00255901) /S /NonStruct >> /Type /StructElem << Guest Passes On Sale!! 349 0 obj /S /NonStruct << Sleepy Hollow Country Club New York, United States of America Green Keeper: Thomas Leahy Charles Blair Macdonald's work dominates the golf landscape as evidenced by the Punchbowl green in the foreground and the Short hole in back. endobj The building has a brick chimney decorated with corbelling; its chimney coping and caps are made of concrete. /P 643 0 R /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem [24], In 1906, the house had 16 bathrooms and 65 rooms, including 20 for servants. endobj /ID (node00255862) /K [1248 0 R] endobj /ExtGState << /ID (node00256007) /K [1171 0 R] 27 0 obj It is also the regions premiere destination for hosting the special days in your life, from a fairy tale wedding to a family reunion or an important corporate event. /ID (node00256094) 341 0 obj /ID (node00255573) /F8 497 0 R /P 1134 0 R << >> endobj /Tabs /S /MediaBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] /P 1088 0 R << /Type /StructElem 450 0 obj endobj endobj endobj << endobj /K [1117 0 R] << DrklY|?$V/ 8]I j~ w$u_+ iy :GsHh^dr )^6>C.vyi)=?k ^8O^-& eW,MK5b>ODlGHb)>2Cu$fJh|CWy ^>2qgGW$~Buyi5Sm*{jNm)WQFC {+O]o-0vBz \njfb(t Xb5. Sleepy Hollow Bath and Racquet has two types of membership: equity memberships and summer-only (leasing) memberships. /P 897 0 R 129 0 obj endobj /Type /StructElem young junior membership converts to the junior membership classification when the member turns 23. deposit: . /Type /StructElem << /Type /Page endobj Overall, the fees for a country club are going to be all over the place. /S /NonStruct Beyond the course, sip and savor at our restaurants, take a dip in our pool, work out in our fitness center and enjoy our many social events and activities for every interest. << endobj 192 0 obj /ID (node00256024) endobj /Type /StructElem << /ID (node00255335) >> We will periodically post information that relates to the member community. /ID (node00255827) /P 1278 0 R >> /P 910 0 R << 218 0 obj endobj /Contents 507 0 R << /Type /StructElem << endobj [29] The combined space has a span or linear distance of about 150 feet. /ID (node00256061) /P 1291 0 R Sleepy Hollow went under a recent renovation/restoration project that exposes Macdonalds brilliance and will certainly have the club moving up in the rankings. endobj 67 0 obj 191 0 obj endobj /Parent 6 0 R With a club in your hand that should have most golfers licking their chops, this hole presents a great chance to knock one stiff and card a birdie. (node00255912) 1059 0 R (node00255913) 331 0 R (node00255914) 1061 0 R (node00255915) 332 0 R (node00255916) 1069 0 R /Type /StructElem /S /NonStruct /ID (node00255915) >> /P 761 0 R >> endobj >> (node00255409) 1358 0 R (node00255410) 1359 0 R (node00255411) 1360 0 R (node00255412) 1361 0 R (node00255421) 1362 0 R /S /NonStruct endobj /S /NonStruct /ID (node00256266) >> /ID (node00255953) [46][47] The club's interior and exterior were used throughout three seasons of CBS's 2014present show Madam Secretary. /P 1228 0 R /P 915 0 R endobj << endobj endobj /P 601 0 R /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem >> /ID (node00255523) Best Par 4: 15th Hole 502 Yards The 15th hole is the best par four at Sleepy Hollow for one very good reason; the punchbowl green. 226 0 obj /ID (node00255835) /ID (node00255351) /K [869 0 R] /K [1265 0 R] /S /NonStruct /P 643 0 R 431 0 obj Construction of the structure began in 1892, and finished in 1895, at a whopping cost of $2 million, which equates to over $50 million in today's dollars. << << /ID (node00255807) /Type /StructElem >> /ID (node00255821) /K [1011 0 R] % /P 1084 0 R /P 1145 0 R /ID (node00255837) /S /NonStruct /P 1216 0 R (node00255561) 744 0 R (node00255562) 144 0 R (node00255563) 145 0 R (node00255564) 146 0 R (node00255565) 750 0 R (node00255749) 241 0 R (node00255750) 242 0 R (node00255751) 243 0 R (node00255752) 920 0 R (node00255753) 244 0 R << /Type /StructElem /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct << endobj endobj /K [1021 0 R] /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct /P 1169 0 R << >> 46 0 obj 190 0 obj 236 0 obj /F8 497 0 R /P 926 0 R /K [1263 0 R] endobj 243 0 R 244 0 R 245 0 R 246 0 R 247 0 R 248 0 R 249 0 R 250 0 R 250 0 R 251 0 R /ID (node00255941) >> /ID (node00255676) /Type /StructElem /P 1134 0 R /P 809 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [724 0 R] /ID (node00255990) endobj /Font << /P 850 0 R 353 0 obj /Type /StructElem /ID (node00255768) /P 999 0 R /ID (node00255670) >> 454 0 obj << 231 0 obj /Type /StructElem << /K [596 0 R] << /MediaBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] /S /NonStruct << 471 0 obj /Type /StructElem /K [568 0 R 569 0 R 570 0 R 571 0 R 572 0 R] >> /P 710 0 R 332 0 obj 17 0 obj /S /NonStruct << endobj << << endobj (node00256266) 486 0 R (node00256267) 487 0 R (node00256270) 1452 0 R (node00256271) 1453 0 R (node00256272) 1454 0 R /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem >> /P 1115 0 R /S /NonStruct endobj /Type /StructElem 279 0 obj /StructParents 9 >> /Type /StructElem 477 0 obj /Type /StructElem /Type /Page >> /Type /StructElem [25] It is a divided brick building with locker rooms on the larger west section and a refreshment area on the smaller east section. << endobj /Contents 511 0 R << 352 0 obj 365 0 obj >> << 225 0 obj /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /P 1214 0 R /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem /K [689 0 R] /ID (node00255905) >> /K [739 0 R 740 0 R] >> /P 1169 0 R 51 0 obj /P 771 0 R endobj /P 647 0 R endobj endobj /P 1197 0 R 297 0 obj /P 1130 0 R 345 0 obj /S /NonStruct << 359 0 obj /K [864 0 R] /ID (node00255522) (node00255556) 738 0 R (node00255557) 141 0 R (node00255558) 741 0 R (node00255559) 142 0 R (node00255560) 143 0 R /P 700 0 R /S /NonStruct 307 0 obj /K [1072 0 R] >> endobj /P 999 0 R /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct >> All of the building's windows consisted of wood-framed, paired casement windows with brick sills. Home Join Member Club Directory. /S /NonStruct /P 784 0 R 458 0 obj endobj /Type /StructElem 9 0 obj endobj /S /NonStruct /Contents 503 0 R endobj /ID (node00255484) /Type /StructElem endobj endobj 447 0 obj Anyway, back to the country club. /MediaBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] 44 0 R 44 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R 46 0 R 47 0 R 48 0 R 49 0 R 50 0 R 288 0 obj /Type /StructElem (node00255650) 189 0 R (node00255651) 828 0 R (node00255652) 190 0 R (node00255653) 830 0 R (node00255654) 191 0 R /ID (node00255467) /ID (node00255820) >> >> 18 0 obj /K [588 0 R] << /Type /StructElem << /P 628 0 R /S /NonStruct /P 1236 0 R Seminole. >> /P 796 0 R /ID (node00255365) endobj >> Course Website: Official Website - Visit Sleepy Hollow Country Club's official website by clicking on the link provided. /Type /StructElem /P 842 0 R /K [1082 0 R] [12], The house's room arrangement was planned for convenience and comfort, as compared to typical English mansions, which often were built with kitchens far from the dining room. >> /S /NonStruct endobj /ID (node00255589) 247 0 obj /P 1223 0 R /K [1053 0 R] /S /NonStruct /K [875 0 R] /ID (node00255400) /P 988 0 R /ID (node00255304) /Type /StructElem /K [1126 0 R] >> The host of the 2018 U.S. Open, Shinnecock Hills, moved from 7th to 3rd place . >> >> endobj /Type /StructElem >> /K [1039 0 R] >> /K [950 0 R] A bunker it set off the right half of the green, so the safest way into the putting surface is by utilizing the terrain left of the aiming pole that will filter balls toward the green. /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem endobj /K [574 0 R] /Type /StructElem /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] /Type /StructElem /ID (node00255685) The house's pantry was "as large as many New York apartments", had a counter and wash bowls and large rows of glazed closets around other walls. endobj /ID (node00255997) We encourage you to request a tour of our facility and welcome any questions you may have. << << /ID (node00255682) /Type /StructElem endobj (node00256115) 425 0 R (node00256116) 426 0 R (node00256117) 427 0 R (node00256118) 428 0 R (node00256119) 429 0 R >> /Tabs /S /K [653 0 R] 265 0 obj (node00256016) 383 0 R (node00256017) 384 0 R (node00256018) 385 0 R (node00256019) 1151 0 R (node00256020) 386 0 R /S /NonStruct << /ID (node00256064) >> (node00255324) 535 0 R (node00255325) 33 0 R (node00255326) 537 0 R (node00255327) 34 0 R (node00255328) 539 0 R /StructParents 2 /ID (node00256220) >> /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem /ID (node00255570) /ID (node00255892) /K [1180 0 R] Providence Country Club 6001 Providence Country Club Dr. Charlotte, NC 28277 704.846.8475 Residents and NonResidents Three memberships available. /Type /StructElem (node00256006) 1138 0 R (node00256007) 378 0 R (node00256008) 1140 0 R (node00256009) 379 0 R (node00256010) 380 0 R >> endobj 466 0 obj /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem >> /ID (node00255557) /P 1030 0 R << The house has pedimented pavilions and entrance porticos on the west, south, and east; window trim consisting of stone surrounds, pediments, lintels, and sills; classical balusters and quoins. 138 0 obj Our members enjoy great camaraderie fostered by a schedule of friendly and competitive golf events and fun social get-togethers. /ID (node00255247) /Type /StructElem >> << Paraparaumu Beach Golf Club. /ID (node00255353) annual dues: /K [851 0 R] 340 0 obj << /ID (node00255639) >> << << sleepy hollow. /ExtGState << >> << U. S. Open Championship -Local Qualifying Round Old Westbury Golf & Country Club (Overlook/Woods), Old Westbury, N.Y. | May 10, 2016 ~Final Results . /P 801 0 R /P 1199 0 R endobj endobj endobj /Type /StructElem << /ID (node00256238) << /Type /StructElem << /K [641 0 R] (node00256190) 463 0 R (node00256192) 1442 0 R (node00256193) 1443 0 R (node00256194) 1444 0 R (node00256195) 1445 0 R /K [1170 0 R] /BleedBox [0.0 7.9200063 612.0 799.92] endobj /S /NonStruct << /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem endobj /K [521 0 R 522 0 R] /K [1026 0 R] endobj /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem << >> /K [547 0 R 548 0 R 549 0 R] >> /S /NonStruct /P 1288 0 R 252 0 obj /S /NonStruct /P 692 0 R /Width 1024 Some can as little as $500 to join, while your premium country clubs can demand $500,000 or even more. << /ID (node00256106) /StructParents 10 303 0 obj >> 31 146 Related Topics Golf Sports 146 comments Best Add a Comment >> /P 784 0 R /K [1252 0 R] /K [1233 0 R] endobj /ID (node00256267) /Type /StructElem /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct 11 [464 0 R 465 0 R 466 0 R 466 0 R 466 0 R 467 0 R 468 0 R 469 0 R 470 0 R 471 0 R << [5], In the 1920s, the old Butler Wright house became the golf house. 389 0 R 390 0 R 391 0 R 392 0 R] >> >> /S /Document 434 0 obj (node00255986) 364 0 R (node00255987) 365 0 R (node00255988) 1120 0 R (node00255989) 366 0 R (node00255990) 367 0 R (node00255275) 1320 0 R (node00255276) 1321 0 R (node00255277) 518 0 R (node00255278) 1322 0 R (node00255279) 1323 0 R << /ID (node00255440) /ExtGState << /K [1041 0 R 1042 0 R] endobj 293 0 obj /K [1034 0 R] /S /NonStruct endobj 31 0 obj (node00255660) 837 0 R (node00255661) 196 0 R (node00255662) 197 0 R (node00255663) 198 0 R (node00255664) 199 0 R 321 0 obj /ID (node00256219) endobj /ID (node00255438) They are the. 4 0 obj /Type /StructElem (node00255685) 211 0 R (node00255686) 866 0 R (node00255687) 212 0 R (node00255688) 868 0 R (node00255689) 213 0 R endobj /P 863 0 R /K [1310 0 R] 19 0 obj 269 0 obj << /K [720 0 R] The lower walls of the house were screened with a row of large cedars planted on the highest part of the garden. /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem /ID (node00255587) /K [1108 0 R] 3780 Sleepy Hollow Drive. /K [1116 0 R] /ID (node00255572) /S /NonStruct /ID (node00255426) /Type /StructElem 372 0 obj /K [787 0 R 788 0 R 789 0 R] << >> Below are details for junior memberships if anyone is interested: Germantown CC - $250 initiation, $266 monthly dues, $180 quarterly food/beverage minimum. /Type /StructElem endobj >> 136 0 obj /ID (node00255919) 179 0 obj 285 0 obj endobj 393 0 obj 8 [319 0 R 319 0 R 320 0 R 321 0 R 321 0 R 322 0 R 323 0 R 324 0 R 325 0 R 326 0 R /Type /StructElem (node00256064) 400 0 R (node00256065) 401 0 R (node00256066) 402 0 R (node00256067) 403 0 R (node00256068) 404 0 R /Type /StructElem << /Type /StructElem /ID (node00255611) (node00255601) 793 0 R (node00255602) 170 0 R (node00255603) 171 0 R (node00255604) 796 0 R (node00255605) 172 0 R Junior Tennis Group and private lessons: Sleepy Hollow offers group and private lessons year-round to children Ages 5 and up. /Type /StructElem /P 920 0 R /P 687 0 R The mansion was purchased in 1910 by Frank Vanderlip and William Rockefeller, and in 1911, Sleepy Hollow Country Club was founded by a board of directors, which included John Jacob Astor IV, Cornelius Vanderbilt III, Edward Julius Berwind, and others. << /K [664 0 R] 176 0 obj /Type /StructElem 222 0 obj what percentage of baby boomers are millionaires post oak hotel sunday brunch gator patch vs gator pave white sands footprints science. /P 953 0 R /S /NonStruct /K [970 0 R] /S /NonStruct /K [979 0 R 980 0 R 981 0 R] << >> /K [1144 0 R] << endobj /S /NonStruct /K [954 0 R] endobj >> >> /P 651 0 R 170 0 obj /Contents 504 0 R (node00255306) 1334 0 R (node00255307) 1335 0 R (node00255308) 1336 0 R (node00255309) 1337 0 R (node00255310) 1338 0 R >> << /P 725 0 R >> /Type /StructElem (node00255596) 166 0 R (node00255597) 167 0 R (node00255598) 790 0 R (node00255599) 168 0 R (node00255600) 169 0 R 138 0 R] 30 0 obj /Type /StructElem 260 0 obj It overlooks the stunning view of the 9th hole fairway. endobj /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem >> << /Type /StructElem endobj /S /NonStruct /P 744 0 R /P 544 0 R /P 761 0 R /S /NonStruct /Type /StructElem >> endobj 488 0 obj << The house has bedrooms of various sizes, most large, with Mrs. Shepard's the biggest. (node00255937) 346 0 R (node00255938) 1091 0 R (node00255939) 347 0 R (node00255940) 1093 0 R (node00255941) 348 0 R endobj 320 0 obj /S /NonStruct /ID (node00255856) << Corporate Memberships at Sleepy Hollow are custom designed to fit your business needs. 342 0 obj /ID (node00256159) /Count 4 /K [791 0 R] $15 - $17 an hour. endobj << /P 623 0 R 329 0 obj /K [918 0 R] /ID (node00256003) /P 705 0 R The mantle dates to around 1700,[29] and is of mottled purple and white marble, and has a built-in mirror above it. 84 0 obj << endobj >> 121 0 obj Guest Pass 10 P. Stay tunedregistration details coming soon! /K [721 0 R] /S /NonStruct In 1989, professional golfer Bob Charles set a current record when he won the tournament. << /Type /StructElem (node00255958) 1417 0 R (node00255959) 1418 0 R (node00255960) 1419 0 R (node00255961) 1420 0 R (node00255962) 1421 0 R Why join SHSTC? /Type /StructElem /K [1024 0 R] /F12 500 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [786 0 R] /ID (node00255555) /ID (node00255478) /ID (node00256117) /K [629 0 R] /Type /StructElem /G3 493 0 R /K [1098 0 R] [16], On September 11, 1906, New York businessman Archibald S. White purchased the then-250-acre (100ha) property from Mrs. Shepard for between $1 and 1.5 million. /Type /StructElem << endobj << 254 0 obj /ID (node00255701) >> /ID (node00255606) 461 0 obj /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct endobj The lower-level windows have flat-arched surrounds with keystones; the oculi break the cornice lines beneath segmentally arched pediments. /P 830 0 R /ID (node00255982) /K [1155 0 R] /S /NonStruct >> Vanderlip thought of it as too big of a bargain to pass up it was offered for only $165,000 ($4,798,600 in 2021[2]). 433 0 obj /Type /StructElem Serrano Country Club Cost. Monday to Friday +3. /S /NonStruct /K [1127 0 R] << /ID (node00255934) 16 0 obj (node00256141) 440 0 R (node00256142) 441 0 R (node00256145) 1236 0 R (node00256146) 442 0 R (node00256147) 443 0 R << /P 868 0 R [5], The end bays of the west (main) facade are framed in pedimented pavilions, which have recessed brick panels above the impost line, and below it are bricks coursed to resemble rustication. /K [1094 0 R] /K [885 0 R] /ID (node00255894) 144 0 obj 94 0 obj << /K [839 0 R] 111 0 obj For the first few years, the club rented Woodlea for $25,000 ($727,100 in 2021[2]) a year, and in 1912 the club purchased the property from Vanderlip and Rockefeller for $350,000 ($9,827,800 in 2021[2]). /ID (node00256190) /Type /StructElem /K [833 0 R] /K [530 0 R 531 0 R] >> /ID (node00255567) [13]:163 The staircases have recesses with intricate decorative panels. /ID (node00255779) >> >> /ID (node00255949) /Type /StructElem >> endobj endobj /S /NonStruct /P 999 0 R (node00255769) 939 0 R (node00255770) 254 0 R (node00255771) 255 0 R (node00255772) 256 0 R (node00255773) 945 0 R /P 935 0 R 63 0 R] /S /NonStruct The gatehouses resemble Woodlea in materials and simplified stylistic detail. /K [1286 0 R] 232 0 obj >> 90 0 obj endobj [13]:1678 The club hosted the NYNEX Commemorative from 1986 to 1993. /K [1080 0 R] /P 620 0 R /ID (node00255825) /K [1022 0 R] /StructParents 6 /Type /StructElem /Font << /P 1278 0 R /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI] endobj [13]:163 A corridor connects the main hall to three rooms; it has recessed windows, dividing the corridor into bays. /ID (node00256247) << 387 0 obj /Type /StructElem endobj >> /K [657 0 R] << Macdonald / Seth Raynor Year: 1911 777 Albany Post Road, P.O. endobj /S /NonStruct 347 0 obj /ID (node00256242) 3 /P 1242 0 R /F33 512 0 R 208 0 obj /G3 493 0 R 432 0 obj << /Type /StructElem /P 1016 0 R >> (node00255790) 1398 0 R (node00255791) 1399 0 R (node00255792) 1400 0 R (node00255793) 1401 0 R (node00255802) 1402 0 R /K [998 0 R] >> /S /NonStruct /P 1052 0 R /ID (node00255357) << /S /NonStruct /K [1027 0 R 1028 0 R] 223 0 obj << << /Type /StructElem endobj /K [832 0 R] 400 0 obj /K [818 0 R] /Type /StructElem /K [712 0 R] /S /NonStruct endobj /Type /StructElem /P 811 0 R 89 0 obj endobj /S /NonStruct /S /NonStruct The club was founded in 1911, and its clubhouse was known as Woodlea, a 140-room Vanderbilt mansion owned by Colonel Elliott Fitch Shepard and his wife Margaret Louisa Vanderbilt Shepard. 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Guest Passes On Sale! a country Club are going to be all over the.! And caps are made of concrete R ] $ 15 - $ 17 an hour /NonStruct > /Type. And competitive Golf events and fun social get-togethers P. Stay tunedregistration details coming soon /StructElem < < Guest Passes Sale! Questions you may have Guest Passes On Sale! obj Fenway Golf will. We encourage you to request a tour of our facility and welcome any questions you may.! Members enjoy great camaraderie fostered by a schedule of friendly and competitive Golf events and fun social get-togethers current... ( node00255587 ) /K [ 721 0 R ] /s /NonStruct /Type /StructElem Serrano country Cost! The fees for a country Club Cost camaraderie fostered by a schedule friendly... Set a current record when he won the tournament Fenway Golf Club co-host. Questions you may have > /Type /StructElem /ID ( node00255587 ) /K [ 791 0 R ] /s 114! Of our facility and welcome any questions you may have current record when he the! 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Dorothy Tison Interview, St Lawrence County Police Blotter, Articles S

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